☀️ Summer Incidents – 2023 Edition ☀️


Summer is here and with it, the busiest maritime season on Canada’s waters! Commercial ships of all sizes navigate side-by-side with pleasure craft.  So, what is the summer impact on our portfolio of incidents?

Looking at the historical data, in the past 33 years we notice only a slight variation between seasons. Over 1 in 4 incidents in our portfolio occurred during the summer months. The month of August saw the highest number, representing almost 10% of all ship-source oil pollution incidents resulting in claims (see the graph below).

Incidents Occurrence by Month and Season:

Note: Numbers were rounded.

Note: Numbers were rounded.

Would you like to read more about these two incidents or any other ones? Have a look at our latest edition of the Incident Summaries compilation at: https://sopf.gc.ca/?page_id=11715.