Submit a claim to the Ship Fund

The Ship Fund compensates anyone affected by oil spills from ships and boats in Canadian waters.

We also compensate responders who have taken steps to prevent the spill.

Most claimants do not need to go to court or hire a lawyer.


  • Status: We are receiving claims

Eligibility criteria

See the criteria that must be met for the Ship Fund to accept and pay claims.

Find claims forms and important information here.


How does the claims process work?

Submit a direct claim

You can submit a claim directly to us. This is easy, fast, and inexpensive. You do not need to hire a lawyer.

You can be compensated without going to court. Most claimants received payment within six months.

If you have any questions about the claims process, we are here to help you!

  • Alternatively, you can also decide to negotiate or sue the shipowner.  In such cases, we will not be able to support you in your recovery efforts.

Who can submit a claim?

Anyone in Canada that has suffered damages or losses, including:

  • individuals
  • all levels of government
  • Indigenous groups
  • ports, harbours, and marinas
  • first responders and spill responders
  • corporations and businesses
  • landowners
  • non-profit corporations.

Visit our Sector-specific claims page if you are concerned about major oil spills, including those involving oil tankers, or if you are one of the following types of claimants:

  • Fishing and aquaculture sectors
  • Municipal, Local, and Indigenous Governments
  • Ports, Harbours, and Marinas

Sector-specific claims

What types of damages and losses are covered?

We cover most damages resulting from a ship or boat oil spill, including:

Response and clean-up costs

Cost of measures taken to prevent, monitor, repair, remedy, or minimize contamination, including the disposal of contaminated materials, such as sorbents and boom

Property damage

Any physical damage to property, including costs of cleaning, repairing, or replacing oil-contaminated property

Environmental measures

Costs of measures taken to accelerate the recovery of the environment after an oil spill, including environmental impact studies

Economic loss

Lost wages or profits, such as impacts on the tourism industry or reduced yields for people who fish, hunt, or harvest commercially or for subsistence

Cultural losses

Some cultural, recreational, and ceremonial losses, as well as lost access to traditional resources

If you spent money to put your claim together, the Ship Fund may also compensate you for those costs.

For all damages and losses, we can only reimburse reasonable costs and expenses.

What is the deadline to submit a claim?

You have two years from the date of the incident to submit a claim.

See eligibility criteria for more.

What do I need to submit with my claim?

We will need supporting documents that prove your damages and losses. These may include:

  • contracts, statements of work, price quotes, invoices, and receipts
  • financial records and income tax documentation
  • deeds and land surveys
  • appraisals, assessments, and survey reports
  • photographs and maps
  • logbooks
  • correspondence.

How do I submit a direct claim?

We provide claims forms and manuals to guide you through our process.

Most claims go through our general claims process.

If you have a claim of $35,000 or less, you may be able to use our small claims process.

General claims process

For most claims, you should use the General Claims process form.

Choose the format that works best for you: PDF or Word.

Word document

Fillable PDF

Printable PDF

Need help?

See our General Claims manual

Expedited process for small claims

For claims of $35,000 or less, you can use the Small Claims process form.

Choose the format that works best for you: PDF or Word.

Word document

Fillable PDF

Printable PDF

Need help?

See our Expedited Process for Small Claims manual

Sample small claims

You can also review examples of other small claims made by individuals and government agencies.

Individual claim

Government agency claim

If you have any questions about your claim, please contact us.





We will need supporting documents that prove your damages and losses. These may include:

  • quotes, invoices, and receipts
  • financial records and income tax documentation
  • photographs and maps
  • logbooks and correspondence

Submit your claim a maximum of 2 years after the date of the incident.

A fast-track process is available for claims of $35,000 or less.

  • Submit your claim a maximum of 1 year after the incident.


We are looking for:

  • Was the incident caused by a ship or a boat?
  • What actions did you take? Why?
  • How much damage did you suffer?
  • How much did you spend? Was that amount reasonable?
  • Have you provided proof?


When we finish our assessment, we will send you a decision letter. You have 60 days to accept our offer or appeal to the Federal Court.


Once we pay you, we will take all reasonable measures to recover costs from the shipowner, its insurer, and any other person responsible.

In Canada, a shipowner is responsible for oil pollution incidents involving their ships and boats. This is the polluter pays principle.

Where do I submit my claim?

Submit your claims by email or by mail.


Ship and Rail Compensation Canada - Ship Fund
Suite 830, 180 Kent Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N5

We must receive your claim by the submission deadline, meaning a maximum of 2 years after the date of the incident.

What happens after I submit a claim?

We always try to process claims as quickly as is reasonably possible.

While we are assessing your claim, we may contact you with questions or to request extra documents.

When we finish our assessment, we send you a decision letter.

We publish each decision online in the interest of transparency. Sensitive personal information will remain confidential.

Accepting an offer and payment

You have 60 days to accept our offer. Your response must be done in writing. Interest will be included with the payment.

What if I’m not satisfied with the decision or amount offered?

You have 60 days to appeal to the Federal Court. We recommend that anyone considering an appeal talk to a lawyer.

Making the polluter pay

Once payment is made to a claimant, we take all reasonable measures to recover costs from the shipowner, its insurer, and other responsible parties.

Recovery from the polluter

Where does the money for compensation come from?

We have different sources of funds.

Source of our funds