Terms and conditions

Privacy Notice

The Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund (SOPF) is committed to respecting the personal privacy of individuals who visit our Website. This page summarizes the privacy policy and practices of our Website.

The Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund does not automatically gather any personal information from you, such as your name, telephone number, e-mail or street address during your visit to its Website. This information is only obtained if you supply it voluntarily, usually through contacting us via e-mail.

All personal information you do provide is protected under the federal Privacy Act. This means that, at the point of collection, you will be informed that your personal information is being collected, the purpose for which it is being collected and that you have a right of access to the information.

The Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund DOES NOT use software that receives and records the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of computers that have connected with their Website. The Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund does not regularly use “cookies” to track how visitors use the Website. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this policy, or the administration of the Privacy Act at the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund please e-mail us at atip-aiprp@sopf-cidphn.gc.ca.

Providing content in Canada's Official Languages

The Official Languages Act, the Official Languages (Communications with and Services to the Public) Regulations and Treasury Board policy requirements establish when we use both English and French to provide services to or communicate with members of the public. When there is no obligation to provide information in both official languages, content may be available in one official language only. Information provided by organizations not subject to the Official Languages Act is in the language(s) provided. Information provided in a language other than English or French is only for the convenience of our visitors.

Linking to third party Canada websites

Links to websites not under the control of the Ship & Rail fund, including those to our social media accounts, are provided solely for the convenience of our website visitors. We are not responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliability of the content of such websites. The Ship & Rail fund does not offer any guarantee in that regard and is not responsible for the information found through these links, and does not endorse the sites and their content.

Visitors should also be aware that information offered by non-Ship & Rail fund sites to which this website links is not subject to the Privacy Act or the Official Languages Act and may not be accessible to persons with disabilities. The information offered may be available only in the language(s) used by the sites in question. With respect to privacy, visitors should research the privacy policies of these non-government websites before providing personal information.

Copyright / Permission to Reproduce

Materials on this Website were produced and/or compiled by the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund for the purpose of providing Canadians with direct access to information about the Fund and how to make a claim with the Administrator of the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund.

The material on this site is covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act, by Canadian laws, policies, regulations and international agreements. Such provisions serve to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials without written permission.

Non-commercial Reproduction

Information on this Website has been posted with the intent that it be readily available for personal or public non-commercial use and may be reproduced, in part or in whole, and by any means, without charge or further permission, unless otherwise specified.

Users are required to:

  • Exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy of the materials reproduced;
  • Indicate both the complete title of the materials reproduced, as well as the author organization; and
  • Indicate that the reproduction is a copy of an official work that is published by The Ship & Rail fund and that the reproduction has not been produced in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of the The Ship & Rail fund.

    Unless otherwise specified, this authorization is also applicable to all published information regardless of its format.

Commercial Reproduction

Reproduction of multiple copies of materials on this site, in whole or in part, for the purposes of commercial redistribution is prohibited except with written permission from the The Ship & Rail fund’s copyright administrator, Public Services and Procurement Canada. Through the permission-granting process, Public Services and Procurement Canada helps to ensure that individuals/organizations wishing to reproduce The Ship & Rail fund’s materials for commercial purposes have access to the most accurate, up-to-date versions. 

To obtain permission to reproduce materials on this site for commercial purposes, please go to Public Services and Procurement Canada’s, Apply for Crown Copyright Clearance web page or contact:

Public Services and Procurement Canada
Publishing and Depository Services
350 Albert Street, 5th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0S5

Third-party Materials

Some of the materials and graphical elements found on the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund Website are subject to copyrights held by other organizations. In such cases, some restrictions on the reproduction of materials or graphical elements may apply and it may be necessary to seek permission from the rights holder prior to reproducing the material.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics, a Web analytics service provided by Google Inc., helps to measure traffic patterns to, from, and within our public Website. This analytics measurement tool uses “session” and “persistent” cookies to collect standard Internet log information and to track visitor behaviour information in an anonymous form.

Persistent cookies are stored on your computer and expire two years after your last visit to our Websites. The information generated by the cookies about your use of the Website (including your IP address, truncated to ensure your anonymity) is transmitted to Google. No personal, identifying information is recorded or provided to Google.

This anonymous information is then used to evaluate visitors’ use of the Website and to compile statistical reports on the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund website  activity. The aggregate data and statistical reports are used only to help us make our site more useful to visitors and are made available only to SOPF designated staff who require this information to perform their duties.

For further information about Google Analytics, please refer to Google Analytics Privacy Policy.

If you wish, you may opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics by disabling or refusing the cookies by disabling JavaScript within your browser; or by using the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On. If you disable your session cookie option, you will still be able to access our public Website.

If you have never disabled the session cookie option, it should be enabled by default. To disable cookies or JavaScript, please refer to your vendor’s browser instruction guide.

If you require clarification about this statement, please contact the Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)’s Access to Information and Privacy Directorate or our Privacy Coordinator.

For more information concerning your rights under the Privacy Act, or if you are dissatisfied with a response you receive from our Privacy Coordinator regarding a privacy concern with this Website, please contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. For a description of the records held by the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund, please refer to the Info Source section of the SOPF Website.

Please note that this Website provides links to other sites that are not covered by this privacy policy.

Trademark notice

The official symbols of the Government of Canada, including the Canada wordmark, the Arms of Canada, and the flag symbol may not be reproduced, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, without prior written authorization.

Our commitment to accessibility

The Ship & Rail Fund is committed to achieving a high standard of accessibility as defined in the Standard on Web Accessibility and the Standard on Optimizing Websites and Applications for Mobile Devices. In the event of difficulty using our web pages, applications or device-based mobile applications, contact us for assistance or to obtain alternative formats such as regular print, Braille or another appropriate format.

Interacting with us on social media

This notice has been written to explain how the Ship & Rail fund interacts with the public on social media platforms. 

Your engagement with the Ship & Rail fund via social media is in part governed by the Terms of Service/Use of the relevant third-party social media platform providers, as well as the following Terms and Conditions. We have no control over the social media platform providers’ Terms of Service/Use, but you are strongly encouraged to read them in addition to those that follow.

Content and frequency

We use social media accounts as an alternative method of interacting with Canadians and of sharing the content posted on its website, facilitating access to Ship & Rail fund’s information and services, and providing stakeholders with an opportunity to interact in an informative and respectful environment.

Because social media platforms and their computer servers are managed by a third party, social media accounts are subject to downtime that may be out of the Ship & Rail fund’s control. We accept no responsibility for platforms becoming unresponsive or unavailable.

Links to other websites and ads

Social media accounts may post or display links or ads for websites that are not under the control of the Ship & Rail fund. These links are provided solely for the convenience of users. We are not responsible for the information found through these links or ads; neither does it endorse the sites or their content.

Following, "liking" and subscribing

The Ship & Rail fund’s decision to follow, "like" or subscribe to another social media account does not imply an endorsement of that account, channel, page or site, and neither does sharing (re-tweeting, reposting or linking to) content from another user.

Comments and interaction

The Ship & Rail fund will read comments and participate in discussions when appropriate. Your comments and contributions must be relevant and respectful.

The Ship & Rail fund will not engage in partisan or political issues or respond to questions that violate these Terms and Conditions.

The Ship & Rail fund reserves the right to remove comments and contributions, and to block users based on the following criteria:

The comments or contributions:

  • include personal information
  • include protected or classified information of the Government of Canada
  • infringe upon intellectual property or proprietary rights
  • are contrary to the principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution Act, 1982
  • are racist, hateful, sexist, homophobic or defamatory, or contain or refer to any obscenity or pornography
  • are threatening, violent, intimidating or harassing
  • are contrary to any federal, provincial or territorial laws of Canada
  • constitute impersonation, advertising or spam
  • encourage or incite any criminal activity
  • are written in a language other than English or French
  • otherwise violate this notice

We, the Ship & Rail fund reserve the right to report users and/or their comments and contributions to third-party social media service providers to prevent or remove the posting of content that is contrary to these Terms and Conditions, or to the Terms of Service/Use of the third-party social media platform.

Accessibility of social media platforms

Social media platforms are third-party service providers and are not bound by Ship & Rail fund standards for web accessibility.


Information posted by The Ship & Rail Fund is subject to the Copyright Act.