Eligibility criteria

To date, no major rail accident has activated the Rail Fund. As a result, the Rail Fund is not currently handling any claims. However, we monitor accidents involving crude oil, and are ready to handle claims.

  • Status: We are not receiving claims at this time

Our criteria

All the criteria below must be met for the Rail Fund to be activated and for us to start paying compensation.

The accident is on a federally regulated railway

The accident must happen on the federal rail system. This means the railway company involved must be federally regulated.

See the list of federally regulated railway companies on the Canadian Transportation Agency website.

Crude oil is involved

The accident must involve crude oil. 

Crude oil is an unrefined petroleum product. See the full definition in the Canada Transportation Act.

  • The federal government’s Minister of Transport can decide at any time to add other dangerous goods to our mandate.

The railway company pays first

After the railway company has paid up to the amount covered by their liability limit, the Rail Fund will start accepting claims.

We will pay all remaining eligible claims.

  • We will inform you when the Rail Fund is activated and we start paying claims.

Claims are submitted on time

Most claims must be submitted within three years of the accident.

  • Claims submitted after the deadline will not be eligible for compensation.